Simple Doesn't Always Means a Good Design
When you start to create a design the true pleasure depends from complexity of it.
In design we always think different things how to start it, how to create an outstanding design which are good in quality, not waste your pocket and is best in the matter of efforts. We strive to do it as much as simple and fast as we can. But, STOP! Do you want to be a designer for several times and never reach your goals, or to have works for years and keep your clients happy? This you need to think what comes consequences when you stuck in time like chipmunk trying to stuff as many mouthfuls of food as possible. I believe you don't want such a life.
Everything needs a measure. You have to set a time with your client. Those who saying that they can craft a design in 24 hours or less, in such a time table you can to bake a bun, instead of a design. I can't trust such a designer as even for a small logotype to create you need to calculate your capacity and keep the same amount for revision of your work. The most important thing not to rush anywhere. The client can wait and showing that you are busy is like to gain his trust. Better to consider several times than to present that logo thinking that it might pass, but it can be wrong and you will get a slap from the client, so his trust in you will be destroyed.
A positive result is achieved through hard work
To gain the trust will be a hard work. After disappointment, it may not even succeed and you can't turn the time back. All after all you will also begin to lack confidence in your own abilities and may give up, so to find the power to do something again can be not in your power.
If you think that to work deceptively brings a positive results, you can forget such a thing. Don't play with your clients especially in designing as if you thought that you know this job better as others, this arrogant meaning can lead you to the distorted kingdom of mirrors and the consequences comes back to you.
I would advise not to live in a world of illusions. Just try to follow other designers, start learning from them and learning from others is the best option in a matter of good results. Don't copy, but gain the experience. Investment in your profession is necessary, try to order online courses, when you lack of ideas just look for them in various channels, including internet and other designer web spaces. The inspiration can come from the words with the client, ask if they have examples, what is their vision. Only hard work leads you to a good results.
Consider whether it is worth taking a project that is beyond your strength
Better to say "No" nor seek to do any work of any difficulty. You have to learn to say no. The most important do what you enjoy. A huge projects and have workloads can affect the quality. If you are interested in a huge design project such as complex web design, you can set a longer period of time and only when you don't have any orders before and after. It's not the money matter, of course everyone needs money, but in this must to be a balance. Your healthy is also important.
When you can deal with tasks, the money comes in a sense. Don't be a selfish. Don't forget the weekends, vocations and find a free time for yourself. Try to get a good sleep as fatigue is a problem especially when working with designs, take breaks. Your physical and mental health must be at the highest level.
Less is more!
I don't mean simplicity in design, better to lost some money once as to damage your reputation. Never believe in simplicity, even if your client want a simple design, he think that same simple will be for you as the client has nothing experience in design. Nothing is simple in this world. Your goal is to find a balance that client is happy and you don't regret with the result you have done. If you follow this rule, you will always achieve your goals. Do some research before taking the job offer and find the tools that will work best for you.